Recreation Team
Assist in promotion, marketing and advocating for the recreational opportunities in the Minnesota River System.
Jay Gustafson - Recreation Team Member - Paddled the Minnesota River this past year 2017. He reported that there is a lot of public access work to be done. He is in the process of finalizing a report for the MNDNR and will be working with the Minnesota River Congress participants and others to make improvements and changes going forward regarding public access to the river system.
Scott Sparlin - He reported that one of the supporting organizations to the MRC, The New Ulm Area Sport Fishermen had reached an agreement to open a new access point approximately 7 miles upstream from New Ulm. The agreement will involve the development of a new access for canoes, kayaks and small boats and will be maintained for fishing and primitive camping by the NUASF.
Granite Falls Fish Passage and Whitewater Water Park Adopted
Be it resolved that the members of the Minnesota River Congress hereby urge the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources to provide and/or promote technical, administrative and economic support for the installation of a fish passage and whitewater park at the site of Granite Falls.
Paddler Access Adopted
Be it resolved, The Minnesota River Congress should create or support a program to work with all units of government; cities, counties, and water Management Organizations adjacent to the Minnesota River or a Minnesota River tributary, to create public access points on the rivers for recreational uses, paddlers and boaters; that are properly designed, properly constructed, and properly maintained; and, Be it further resolved, the Minnesota River Congress support efforts by those units of government to obtain funding from any and all sources to design and construct river access points for recreational users.
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