Education Team
Acquire and make ready for mass distribution, relevant public education information regarding issues and conditions affecting the Minnesota River System.
Actions & Activities
Progress Report
Patrick Belmont - Education Team Member - Presented at the Minnesota River Congress January 17,2018 in Jordan, MN on the Collaborative for Sediment Source Reduction(CSSR). He has worked with many team members to identify sediment sources.
Julie Beatty - Education Team Member - Developed and Coordinated the creation of the River Watch Program through the Friends of the Minnesota Valley (FMV) under direction of Executive Director Ted Suss. The River Watch Program launched September 2017 with 6 high schools from the Minnesota River basin on-board.
Georgetta Olson - 4th and 5th grade teacher in Lakeville - Had a booth from their Lego Team at the Networking Fair of the last Congress November 17 in Jordan, MN. They have made the Minnesota River their main focus and would like to engage with others their age with the same focus on water quality and the Minnesota River.
Minnesota River River Watch Adopted
Be it resolved, The Minnesota River Congress shall support the River Watch initiative of the Friends of the Minnesota Valley by stating its support for River Watch, by encouraging high school participation, and by registering Minnesota River Congress support for River Watch fundraising activities.
Granite Falls Fish Passage and Whitewater Water Park Adopted
Be it resolved that the members of the Minnesota River Congress hereby urge the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources to provide and/or promote technical, administrative and economic support for the installation of a fish passage and whitewater park at the site of Granite Falls.
Minnesota Valley and Minnesota River State Trails Adopted
Be it resolved, the Minnesota River Congress work to promote legislative funding to complete the Minnesota River State Trail and the Minnesota Valley State Trail; and,
Be it further resolved, the Minnesota River Congress encourage the creation of local State Trail Advocacy groups within the Minnesota Valley to promote segments of the Minnesota River State Trail and Minnesota Valley State Trail.
Fort Ridgely Golf Course Adopted-Resolved
Be it resolved, the Minnesota River Congress work to promote legislative approval for a reasonable concession agreement for the city of Fairfax with the DNR Parks & Trails Division.
Minnesota Falls Property Acquisition Adopted
Be it resolved: That the members of the Minnesota River Congress hereby urge the Minnesota DNR to work with the Xcel Energy, the Minnesota Parks and Trails Council and/or any other nonprofit or third party organization in a process to get the property transferred in a timely manner to public ownership.
Paddler Access Adopted
Be it resolved, The Minnesota River Congress should create or support a program to work with all units of government; cities, counties, and water Management Organizations adjacent to the Minnesota River or a Minnesota River tributary, to create public access points on the rivers for recreational uses, paddlers and boaters; that are properly designed, properly constructed, and properly maintained; and, Be it further resolved, the Minnesota River Congress support efforts by those units of government to obtain funding from any and all sources to design and construct river access points for recreational users.
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